자료실 Q&A
글 수 2,319
|||| (princ ".")
(defun cim_func1 (/ f$$ temp)
(setq name (getfiled "Select PRN File" "" "prn" 0))
(setq aa (open name "r"))
;(defun cim_func1 (/ f$$ temp)
; (setq temp T)
; (while temp
; (if (/= (type ci_fname) 'STR)
; (setq ci_fname (getvar "dwgname"))
; )
; (setq f$$ (strcase (getstring (strcat
; "\nEnter File Name to read <" ci_fname ">: "))))
; (if (/= f$$ "") (setq ci_fname f$$))
; (setq filename (strcat ci_fname ".PRN"))
; (if (= (findfile filename) nil)
; (princ (strcat "\t>>>\"" filename "\" not found --- Try again. "))
; (setq temp nil)
; )
; )
; (setq aa (open filename "r"))
이부분에 문제가 있나요?
Error: no function definition: CIM_FUNC1
이메세지가 뜨고 리습이 실행이 안되요~~ㅜㅜ
(defun cim_func1 (/ f$$ temp)
(setq name (getfiled "Select PRN File" "" "prn" 0))
(setq aa (open name "r"))
;(defun cim_func1 (/ f$$ temp)
; (setq temp T)
; (while temp
; (if (/= (type ci_fname) 'STR)
; (setq ci_fname (getvar "dwgname"))
; )
; (setq f$$ (strcase (getstring (strcat
; "\nEnter File Name to read <" ci_fname ">: "))))
; (if (/= f$$ "") (setq ci_fname f$$))
; (setq filename (strcat ci_fname ".PRN"))
; (if (= (findfile filename) nil)
; (princ (strcat "\t>>>\"" filename "\" not found --- Try again. "))
; (setq temp nil)
; )
; )
; (setq aa (open filename "r"))
이부분에 문제가 있나요?
Error: no function definition: CIM_FUNC1
이메세지가 뜨고 리습이 실행이 안되요~~ㅜㅜ